When You Archive Someone on Whatsapp Can They See You Online?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world and is used by people all over the world. Ability to do.

By archiving a chat in WhatsApp, you can hide it from the main chat list without actually deleting it. Surprised that when they block someone on WhatsApp, that person can see even when they are offline.

In this article we will explore the mechanics of WhatsApp’s archive feature and its impact on online status visibility. And well you will be told here, so let’s start

Whenever you archive someone on WhatsApp, can they see that you are online on WhatsApp?

Archiving chats on WhatsApp is a great way to declutter your chat list and hide chats that you don’t need to see all the time. If you want or if you have someone, you don’t want to show that you were chatting with someone, then you can archive them immediately. But what does this mean for the person on the other end? If you archive their chats, can they see that you are online on WhatsApp?

Before we tackle the question of how someone can view your offline status when you archive apps on WhatsApp, it’s important to understand what the archive feature does.

Whenever you archive a chat on WhatsApp, you basically move it to a separate folder called archived chats, that is, if you want to hide someone from your chat list, send them to archive. can . Archived chats are not visible in your main chat list, but you can easily access them if you scroll down or use the search function.

The main purpose of archiving any chat is to declutter your main chat list without losing any of your chat history. Let us now explore the key aspects of the WhatsApp archive feature and its impact on online visibility:

Online status visibility

WhatsApp provides many features and options for its users who can see their online status By default your online status shows all your contacts as many contacts as you have. But you can also customize this setting.

Whenever you archive a person on WhatsApp, it does not affect the visibility of your offline status for that person.

If your online status is visible to them, it will remain so after you archive the chat. Archiving a chat does not change your basic privacy practices in any way. WhatsApp is offline unless you have blocked it.

Archiving is about chat organization

The main purpose of archiving any person’s chats on WhatsApp is to help users organize their conversations better while maintaining access to old chats, keeping your main chat list focused on your most important and active conversations. A useful tool to have.

No effect on last seen

Similarly, whenever you archive a person’s chat, it does not affect the “last seen” status that you have saved. If your “Last Seen” is visible to them, it will be visible even after the chat is archived. Can also adjust this feature is available in WhatsApp but will not be achieved by archiving or by itself

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