How to know if WhatsApp status has been shared only with me?

WhatsApp, the popular messaging application that has been around since 2009, has revolutionized communication by allowing users to connect with each other seamlessly. With its user-friendly interface and simplicity, WhatsApp has become an essential part of modern communication. It offers various features such as text and voice messaging, video and voice calls, and the ability to share photos, videos, and documents. One of its standout features is the end-to-end encryption that ensures the privacy and security of messages.

However, there is one aspect of WhatsApp that many users are curious about: determining if their WhatsApp status has been shared only with them. While WhatsApp does not provide a specific feature to indicate this, there are a few tricks and hacks that can help you figure it out. In this article, we will explore these methods and guide you through the process of determining if your WhatsApp status is shared exclusively with you.

Understanding WhatsApp Status Privacy

Before we delve into the methods, let’s first understand the concept of WhatsApp status privacy. WhatsApp offers several privacy options that allow you to control who can view your status. When you upload a status, you have the option to customize its privacy settings. By default, your status updates are visible to all your phone contacts who are also on WhatsApp. However, you can modify these settings to restrict the visibility of your status to a select group of people or even just one person.

To access the WhatsApp status privacy settings, follow these steps:

Open WhatsApp on your smartphone.

Tap on the Chats tab to access the main screen.

To access the Status tab, swipe left on the screen.

In the upper right corner are the three dots.  Give them a tap.

Then choose “Status Privacy” from the list of options that appears.

When you choose “Status Privacy,” three choices will appear on the screen:

My Contacts

This is the default setting for most users. If you select this option, all of the contacts stored in your phone’s address book who are also WhatsApp users will be able to see your status updates. It offers wide access to your contacts while remaining limited to those you have saved.

My Contacts Except…

With this option, you can customize your privacy settings further. You can select specific contacts or groups that you don’t want to see your status. This allows you to exclude certain individuals or groups while sharing your status with everyone else on your contact list.

Only Share With…

This option enables you to restrict the visibility of your status to only selected contacts or groups. If you choose this setting, only the people or groups you have chosen will be able to view your status. It provides a way to share personal or exclusive updates with a specific audience.

Tricks to Determine if Your WhatsApp Status Is Shared Only with You

While WhatsApp does not provide a direct method to determine if your status is shared exclusively with you, there are a few tricks you can try to figure it out. Keep in mind that these methods are not foolproof and may not provide an exact answer. However, they can give you some insights into whether someone has shared their status with you alone.

1. Check for the Absence of Replies or Views

When someone shares their status with you exclusively, you may notice a lack of replies or views from other contacts. This could indicate that the status was intended only for your eyes. If you find that a status has no views or replies, it might be an indication that it was shared exclusively with you.

2. Observe the Timing of the Status

If someone shares a status exclusively with you, they might do it at a specific time when they know you are likely to be active on WhatsApp. Pay attention to the timing of the status updates you receive. If they consistently align with your active hours, it could suggest that the status is intended only for you.

3. Analyze the Content of the Status

Sometimes, the content itself can provide clues about whether it was shared exclusively with you. If the status includes personal references or inside jokes that only you and the sender would understand, it is likely that it was meant for you alone. Additionally, if the status mentions something that is relevant only to your relationship with the sender, it may indicate exclusivity.

4. Trust Your Instincts

Lastly, trust your instincts and your knowledge of the person who shared the status. If you have a close relationship with the sender and they frequently share personal updates with you, it is more likely that the status was shared exclusively with you. On the other hand, if you have a more casual or distant relationship, it is less likely that the status was intended only for you.


Determining if your WhatsApp status has been shared exclusively with you can be a challenging task. While WhatsApp does not provide a specific feature for this purpose, there are tricks you can try to gain some insights. By observing the absence of replies or views, analyzing the timing and content of the status, and trusting your instincts, you may be able to determine if a status was shared exclusively with you. Remember, these methods are not foolproof, and it is always best to communicate directly with the sender to confirm their intentions.

WhatsApp continues to evolve and introduce new features, so it is possible that future updates may include a dedicated option to indicate when a status is shared exclusively. Until then, use the tricks mentioned in this article to navigate the world of WhatsApp status and enjoy the seamless communication it offers.

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